Elementary School

Montclair Elementary School Programs:

Below are schools we currently offer programs in through the PTA.  Click on your school to contact us and sign up!

We are in the process of creating after school Ultimate programs at all of Montclair's Elementary schools! If you would like to know more, or would like to help create one at a school please reach out to us at ultimatemontclair@gmail.com!

Edgemont School

Charles H. Bullock School

Ultimate Frisbee is now available as part of after-school enrichment program at Edgemont School! For details, please contact Edgemont PTA: https://montclairpta.org/edgemont/afterschool-enrichment/

COMING SOON! Ultimate Frisbee will be part of CHB Spring session of after-school enrichment. For details, please contact CHB PTA: https://montclairpta.org/chb/programs-1-educational-programs/