Financial Assistance
At Montclair Ultimate, we care deeply that finances are never a barrier to playing Ultimate. We offer financial assistance to anyone in need.
Qualified applicants who receive free or reduced lunch services are eligible for 90% OFF the Montclair Ultimate registration fee, not including the USA Ultimate membership which provides insurance coverage.
Extenuating circumstances for those who are not in the free/reduced lunch programs will be evaluated on a case by case basis.
To Apply
To apply for financial aid, send an email to with the following information:
Your first and last name
Your player's first and last name
Which program you are applying for: High School Varsity, High School Junior Varsity, or Middle School
Your phone number
Your preferred email address
A copy of your free or reduced lunch confirmation letter, if applicable.
Otherwise, a description of your extenuating circumstances and the amount you feel you can pay.